Alkahestry, a type of alchemy featured in Fullmetal Alchemist, is a fascinating discipline that fans may not be familiar with.
Alchemy is revered across the Fullmetal Alchemist universe as a tremendously strong technology capable of doing miraculous feats. However, viewers saw firsthand all of the disasters that occurred as a result of alchemy and all of the lives that were lost as a result of it, because it’s a process that Father invented to help him realize his ambitions.
Alkahestry, a separate teaching from alchemy to which Hohenheim devoted himself, is the more ‘pure’ style of alchemy that isn’t mentioned as often in the book. Without the employment of alkahestry, the events in the finale would not have been possible, especially how Edward and Alphonse went about mostly reclaiming their bodies. Even while it doesn’t get nearly as much attention as alchemy, there’s still a lot to learn about it that fans may not be aware of.
The Alkahestry Pentagram Circle Has Chinese Philosophical Origins
Hexagonal circles are used in traditional Amestris alchemy, whereas alkahestric circles allude to pentagrams. It’s called a pentagram Purification Circle, and it has no bad connotation, contrary to what many Westerners believe when they first hear of pentagrams.
Rather, it alludes to the real-life Chinese philosophical idea of Wu Xing, in which the five elements are symbolized as a five-pointed star in unison. It’s also worth noting that her home country, the Land of Xing, is named after this concept.
Although Originating From Hohenheim, Father Cannot Control Alkahestry As He Can With Alchemy
During Ed and Al’s first encounter with Father, they attempt to use their alchemy against him, only to discover that it has completely stopped working. Not only had their alchemy been disrupted, but alchemy in general had been damaged as well, with alchemists who were not involved in the fight having their abilities harmed as well.
This is because Father invented alchemy, but with alkahestry, he is unable to wipe it out with his power. As a result, it’s an exceptionally potent weapon in the fight against him.
Alkahestry Was Derived From A Real-World Concept With The Same Name
Although Allahestry is drawn on the real-world concept of alkahest, medical magic did not exist in the real world. Alkahest was thought to be a universal solvent, and it was much sought after by sixteenth-century alchemists.
Hohenheim is also involved, demonstrating the quality of the series’ writing. Paracelsus, the alchemist on whom Hohenheim was modeled, is credited with coining the term alkahest, much like Hohenheim is credited with introducing alkahestry to Xing.
Alkahestry Can Be Used Over Long Distances, A Feat Impossible With Alchemy
Alchemists are limited to the physical space they can touch with alchemy, and they can’t utilize it to alter something further away. As long as alkahestrists have purifying circles set up ahead of time, they can control and use their capabilities from afar by using a single circle at their starting position.
This allows them to accomplish a variety of feats while in fight while remaining safe and out of sight. They weren’t even aware that it was May when they were employed against Envy; instead, Envy was told that they were pre-planted land mines.
Before Hohenheim Helped Them, The People Of Xing Suffered Trying To Discover Alkahestry
Hohenheim’s lectures weren’t the first time the Xingese were exposed to the idea of extending one’s life span. Members of the royal family died from consuming mercury for numerous generations because they believed it had life-prolonging powers.
It wasn’t until Hohenheim’s presence, and the combination of their theories with his own teachings, that they were able to make significant progress without injuring themselves. It’s a marvel Hohenheim came at all, and it’s no surprise the Xingese regard him as a respected sage after rescuing them from a dark, uneducated cycle.
Alkahestry Can Heal Everything From Minor Wounds To Damaged Organs
Alkahestry’s medical capabilities are significantly more than what alchemy alone can achieve because it draws its power from the natural life force that flows through all living things. May is seen mending a variety of wounds of varying severity with amazing success, in addition to how many individuals in the series rave up its potential.
She was able to treat a gunshot wound for Scar, for example, and was a big reason why he was able to stay reasonably safe through his journey. She can also stop the bleeding when Scar injures Dr. Marcoh’s face, making it easier to travel with a wanted man, though he claims that the wind still stings, implying that alkahestry can’t eliminate all pain.