The 5 Scenes From Fullmetal Alchemist That Changed Edward Elric Forever

The 5 Scenes From Fullmetal Alchemist That Changed Edward Elric Forever

Edward Elric’s life has twisted and turned countless times in Fullmetal Alchemist. The five most pivotal scenes in his character evolution are listed here.

The brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric are on a mission to mend their mutilated bodies and atone for the sin they have committed in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. However, there’s a lot more to it than that. During his voyage, Edward Elric meets Colonel Roy Mustang and even the homunculus Greed, and battles Father’s minions as the evil strives to take the world.

Edward’s life is both tragic and exhilarating, and he has a number of life-changing incidents before he is twenty. Ed isn’t the kind to sit around and smell the roses; he’s ready to battle for the ordinary people’s safety and to investigate the universe’s mysteries. Here are the five most memorable scenes from his story.

When Ed & Alphonse Attempt Human Transmutation

This is Edward’s (and Alphonse’s) first major life turning point. Trisha Elric died of an illness when the brothers were young, when their father Van Hohenheim was overseas. Ed and Al couldn’t accept this, so they attempted to resuscitate Trisha using their alchemy and scientific abilities by reassembling the raw materials of the human body. Surprisingly, they opened the door of Truth instead, and the lads paid a price for experiencing the Truth firsthand: they lost parts of their bodies.

Ed lost a leg and then an arm in order to resurrect Al’s soul and bind it to an armored suit. This heinous incident sets the tone for the entire series, as it is what drives the brothers to set out on their mission to right the wrongs.

Ed Alphonse - Fullmetal Alchemist Merch

When Edward Becomes The Fullmetal Alchemist

After the failed attempt to resurrect Trisha Elric, Edward was in horrible shape, but he had hope. Ed regained the use of alchemy by having two hands again, thanks to his childhood friend Winy Rockbell and her grandmother Pinako, who fashioned automail limbs to replace his lost ones (he must clap them together). Ed regained his physical mobility and agility gradually but steadily. Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye then evaluated him to see if he could become a state alchemist.

Edward startled everyone when he attended Central at the age of 12 and breezed through the alchemy test. He even formed a weapon and brandished it toward King Bradley, who was personally overseeing the test. Bradly was pleased by Ed’s audacity and appointed him fullmetal alchemist, making him the youngest state alchemist in history. This is the point at which the adventure truly begins.

When Edward Learns The Truth Of The Philosopher’s Stone

Edward and Alphonse were initially sure that the famous Philosopher’s Stone held the key to recovering their bodies, but they were in for a major surprise. Edward contacted Dr. Marcoh and learnt where to find his notes, and Ed and Al were apparently looking over recipes after Sheska reconstructed the damaged notes from memory. These astute young men quickly realized they were dealing with highly encrypted documents.

The brothers struggled for days to decrypt everything and discovered the horrible truth: all Philosopher’s Stones were manufactured from hundreds of people who had been slaughtered. Ed refused to exploit the power of such a heinous innovation, and he subsequently discovered that the terrible Ishval Civil War had resulted in the production of a slew of new Stones. Everything, after all, has a cost.

When Edward Learns The Truth Of The Philosophers Stone - Fullmetal Alchemist Merch

When Ed Sees Alphonse’s Body In The Portal

In more ways than one, this was a significant scene for Ed. Gluttony the homunculus teleported Ed, prince Ling Yao, and Envy to his limitless stomach dimension after “eating” them all at once. Ed discovered the ruins of Xerxes-style alchemy diagrams there. Edward utilized the runes, along with the power of Envy’s Philosopher’s Stone, to try human transmutation and create a portal through which to escape Gluttony’s stomach after figuring out how to read them.

Ed ran across the Truth again along the road, and even saw Alphonse’s original human body, which was still alive but malnourished, with long hair and fingernails. This demonstrated that Al could be resurrected, giving Ed newfound faith in his goal.

When Edward Sacrifices His Alchemy

Father’s plan was coming to fulfillment on the Promised Day, but the good guys fought back. The homunculus had fallen prey to pride, and it was now only Father and the homunculus. Edward had been surrounded, but then he ran into the Truth again, and he made his final deal with that immortal being. He gave up his alchemy in order to bring Alphonse’s body back, and this was the solution the Truth had been waiting for.

Alphonse used his newly recovered body to execute his own alchemy, restoring Edward’s long-lost right arm and left leg. As a result, Ed was able to throw an unbelievable beatdown on Father, finally defeating him. Ed didn’t mind losing his alchemy; in fact, he was relieved to be free of it, and he returned to his normal rural life with Winry and Al, as he had always desired. In every way, the fullmetal alchemist had retired.


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